Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Anxitey or hv/aids im worrying too much! pease help me?

please help me this is no joke. i had for the first time with this boy again in december....with nd we werent intimate for a year....the very very first time we had i didnt get anything from we had unprotected everytime we did i hen we tated back in dec. i got worried i had aids because i was having constant itchig of my skin and a week afer we started i had a fever and was sickk...nd ive never had that before. i went nd got an hiv test like 3 or 4 months after us having it came back negative nd i hadnt contraced any std at all!...i was so relieved after that but i knew the symptoms of aids because i lookd on the internet....alll the timee! nd i started having skin rashes nd frequent nite sweats nd i have spots on my legs and parts of my but i mean not alot just 3 or 4. im so scared everywhere i look i see something abt aids nd get scared my heart hurts sometimes..the night sweats have went away ...i have dry cough sometimes nd get scared! i worry bout this everyday! but when mi minds not on it then i tend to not have symptoms. like i can do something else nd wont think twice boout it then boom it hits me again wen i do. can anxitey make your body think u abut aids then u get all the symptoms of aids?????? helppp!!!!!!

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