Monday, August 8, 2011

Who is this mayor of Alaska that McCain have pick as his VP?

I'll have to do some research for myself on Ms Palin. But, Humans are NOT responsible for climate change. It does not make any sense that we are. The earth and the climate is going to change no matter what we do. It is always in state of change. It was before we got here, it will be when we are gone. The idea that humans can take credit far that is just ridiculous. Why should you care that Creationism is taught in schools, Liberalism is now any way. There is is nothing wrong with the Right Wing. I'm not so sure about the Anti-Choice thing She might be suede in that case when she get in The White House. That's a Judicial matter anyway isn't it. The supreme court has to rule on that. And they are suppose to go by what is in The Constitution. As far as "Big Oil" There is nothing wrong with doing it all. But we need to Drill First. We need to get off of foreign oil. I am all for Wind power, Solar power, and whatever other power source we can come up with but it has to be "Cost Effective" and plentiful on demand.

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